Watchalong: Teevee Edition

Can you watch TV and count at the same time?

Without miscounting?

An All-Boob Tube edition of the Watchalong starts NOW.


Stitching and finishing oitnb #steotchalong #mystery #whatisthat #crossstitch #crossstitcher #stitchbitch #pattern4

A photo posted by Nicole stj (@notthedroids_nicole) on



Working on #steotchalong #weektwo while watching #oitnb and still #clueless to what this year is

A photo posted by ê®ïçå (@epcaden) on

Never procrastinating again. Tune in next week to observe me saying the exact same thing! #steotchalong

A photo posted by Kayla MacLennan (@mgokayla) on


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